Thursday, February 27, 2020

Comparisson of Film and aa Case of Racism Research Paper

Comparisson of Film and aa Case of Racism - Research Paper Example First, the plot of the film is discussed, which is necessary to develop a basic understanding of the backdrop of time and place of the story. This is followed by a discussion on the historical context of the film. Next, an analysis section has been incorporated to assess the effects of the film. Finally, the thesis concludes by justifying the opinion that the historical context of â€Å"The Color Purple† is related to settler racism. The Plot The film â€Å"The Color Purple† has been directed by Steven Spielberg. It is a film under the category of period drama. It is based on the famous novel having the same name written by Alice Walker. The background of the film is set in Georgia (Southern United States). The events of the story take place from 1880s to mid 1930s. The story is mainly centered on a black woman, Celie, who faces incest by her father in her own family. In an environment of isolation and poverty, she is deprived of education and does not know about her le gal rights. She constantly receives rude behavior and is beaten by her father. The same story continues even after she gets married to a widower, named Albert. For a short time, her sister Nettie comes to live with her and her husband. Nettie and Celie spend some good time together, but Nettie had to leave because of Albert’s sexual interest in her. Following several ups and downs, other black women like Shug and Sofia are also introduced in Celie’s life. These women give Celie confidence and help her to face the tortures of her husband. However, Celie develops homosexual relationships with Shug. Sofia, on the other hand, was victimized by circumstances and exploitation. She is beaten up, jailed, and tortured. The story advances through many other events, which exhibit the socio-economic situation of black people together with the plight of Celie. However, the film ends at the reunion of Celie and Nettie, and their children. Albert also changes from a harsh, abusive ma n to a kind and understanding person at the end of the film. Historical Context Prior to the Civil War of America, the black population in the country was subjected to direct slavery and they lived in sub-human conditions. In the middle of nineteenth century, Abraham Lincoln changed the situation significantly. However, political and constitutional changes took time to become socially effective in real sense and this was discernable in the 1880s too. The timeline covered in the film starts at this crucial point. Discrimination towards the black people, economic deprivation, and continued frustration might explain the intolerant and cruel attitude of the black males towards the women in the community at this stage. Socio-economic discrimination and deprivation might adversely affect the socio-sexual behavior of the black males, leading to incest, rape, and sexism. The fight for civil liberties had not begun at that time, and nobody like Martin Luther King had appeared in the scene. T he domestic violence faced by Celie, a black woman, is actually an internal manifestation of the settler racism faced by the black community itself. Notably, when black women faced torture and incest, their white neighbors did not come to rescue them. They did not arrange for economic parity and education †¦ neither for the black men nor the black women. The treatment

Monday, February 10, 2020

Explain what the current situation is, what problems are in evidence Essay

Explain what the current situation is, what problems are in evidence and how those problems should be addressed - Essay Example There are different inventory models and policies for single supplier and multiple suppliers and allied benefits as well as drawbacks for each of them which would be evaluated in the report. Certain recommendations related to purchasing and inventory functions would also be rendered so that the existing difficulties can be alleviated by a considerable extent. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 Conclusion 13 References 14 Introduction Inventory is defined as the stock of materials or any other item that is being used by an organisation. It is further defined as the idle resource of any kind that has a considerable economic value. It has been observed that inventories are supervised in order to meet the future demands of the process of production. The term ‘inventory management’ is regarded as the process of maintaining the finished goods, and the semi-finished raw materials of companies or any other business. It has been learnt that efficiently managed i nventory would result in an increase in the revenue by cutting down the cost of the company. The process of inventory management commences as soon as the company starts its production and orders the required raw materials for the same. In case of a retailer, the process commences as soon as it places an order to the wholesaler. ... faces certain difficulties in purchasing and managing inventories for the parts and materials of diverse brands for providing services to the customers. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company is concerned about the future requirements of vehicles parts and materials to meet the ever-increasing needs and demands of the customers. Based on the understanding of the case study, the report intends to illustrate the differences in inventory policies when there are multiple suppliers involved. The report would further discuss about the weaknesses in the current inventory management practices of Lancaster Motor Group and recommend appropriate measures to tackle the difficulties particularly related to purchasing and inventory function. Q.1. How Might Purchasing And Inventory Management Policies And Procedures Differ Because The Dealerships Purchase Different Types Of Service Parts And Materials (E.G. Lubricants Versus Genuine Parts) From Different Types Of Suppliers? Galena Markovi c was quite concerned about the future prospect of the company. She did not want the company to face the problem that other companies are facing with regard to managing the purchase of varied parts of automobiles in future. As it has been noticed that the company had a good reputation in terms of the deliverance of services, she became more concerned about its operations. For these reasons, she began thinking regarding supply chain and inventory management to resolve a bit of her concerns and pressures. However, as she is selling the product of four companies, she would have to buy the parts from various suppliers (i.e. multiple suppliers). In this regard, she would need to follow inventory policies different from that of the usual inventory management policy of single supplier. When a