Wednesday, May 6, 2020

To What Extent Is Media Violence Related to Aggressive and...

Violence is described in Webster’s dictionary as physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing. Violence on TV has been steadily increasing for the past few years. It’s not very often that you will find a TV show in prime time that doesn’t involve some type of violence. According to Hollywood sex and violence sells. The problem with this is that violent programs on television lead to aggressive behavior by children and teenagers who watch those programs. As adults we think that watching TV won’t effect us since we are older, but for younger children when they see someone die or get beat up they think it is cool. Children are very easy to mold into what you want, how many times have you noticed a†¦show more content†¦It teaches that the world is a violent and untrustworthy place. It reports on how the world really works. Televised violence cultivates dominant assumptions about how conflict and power work in the world. Violence is an important fact of life. It is very much part of the human conditions. The media cannot pretend that violence does not exist. Televised violence orients people to their environment. It helps them understand their world. It serves as a mirror in which people examine themselves, their institutions, and their values. The exposure of children to televised violence is functional to the extent that it prepares them to cope with reality. Conflict is important for children to grow up with. It is part of their life. Kids should not be lead to think that nothing is going to happen to them. Exposure to violence in childhood is not a bad idea. Ghetto children see violence unknown to other children. They have to live with it, and because it is so hateful, they do not get influenced by it. People who grew up in a tough ghetto situation regard others who did not as patsies, naive, and easy to use. Children learn a good deal of their societys culture by viewing the violent tele vision shows. People acquire definitions of appropriate behavior and interpretations of reality from the mass media. Lower income persons often think they are learning the style and etiquette of middle-classShow MoreRelatedHow Media Violence Related to Aggressive and Violent Behavior672 Words   |  3 Pagesclearly demonstrated that exposure to media violence does have a significant influence on violent and aggressive behavior. This is particularly the case amongst children where fictional media violence has been linked to increased aggression both in the short-term and in the long-term. This text highlights the extent to which media violence is related to violent/aggressive behavior. To What Extent is Media Violence Related to Aggressive and Violent Behavior? As I have already pointed out aboveRead MoreMedia Violence Related to Essay1183 Words   |  5 PagesTO WHAT EXTENT IS MEDIA VIOLENCE RELATED TO AGGRESSIVE AND VIOLENT BEHAVIOR? 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